Hello there, people and creatures.
Every week we will be sharing a little audio news about what goes on behind the scenes of the audio department at Antagonist. Dan, head of audio stuff, splits his time between his studio where he writes and mixes music, the office where he sits to edit and develop the design of the audio, and various locations around and about where he records environment sounds, wildlife, ambience, etc.
This week’s audio news:
Hello! It’s that time of year again when everyone in Norway is taking part in NM I Gameplay (Norwegian Championship in Gameplay, roughly translated). Literally everyone. This is a ten-day long government funded gamejam that takes place every January in Norway, with the prize being glorious glory… and cash.
Each year, on January 1st, while we are all nursing our tired, hungover bodies, the Norwegian Film Institute release the theme of the gamejam. This year’s theme is ‘Resistance’. So we basically have to make a game that contains a theme of resistance. I guess this could be political resistance, resisting arrest, antibiotic resistance, etc. It seems at Antagonist, we are making something to do with electrical resistance.
So, with gamejams being what they are and with me having been away in Copenhagen for a few days, I am coming into this a little late. But, I already have a plan and some small pieces of music I quickly scratched together I think will work very nicely.
As far as I can see, the game the guys are making looks like a puzzle/maze type game, set in a motherboard of a computer. If I’m wrong, Antagonists, I’m sorry!
So, from the concept art the artists have come up with so far, I feel like the music I’ve made will work very well. I have a great VST instrument that has thousands of microphone recorded samples of various bits and bobs, and one of these is the sound of a real Tesla coil sparking away. So I’m thinking that for the lead instrument.
The piece so far is pretty electronic, which is a style of music that doesn’t often make it past my internal taste sensors far enough that anyone would actually hear it in the real world, so it’s quite exciting for me. Of course, it’s pretty much drums, bass and a load of guitar riffs that I have written, replayed with a keyboard and patched through the Tesla coil sample pack. It’s a mixture of dancey and rocky. So… dance rock.
I am making a solemn vow to get a Soundcloud profile for recent game audio stuff up in the next week so I will be able to share some sounds with anyone interested in hearing more. Then maybe we can share some stuff between ourselves, music makers and lovers.
Ok, that’s it from me for this week. As always, any questions can be mailed to dan@antagonist.no or you can leave a comment below.
Check back here next week for some more audio news and to find out how we did in the gamejam. Until then, have a great week!
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